
Hei hei

Vi har fått flere spørsmål om hvorfor vi ikke skriver på norsk, så nå har vi bestemt oss for å legge ut postene på norsk også.

Ønsket er å nå ut til så mange som mulig.

I dag har jeg laget en enkel deilig jus. Det er lett å lage, samt at det er deilig og gir energi.

Man tar det man har, og prøver seg fram.

Ikke alt faller i smak, men som regel er det suksess.

I dag brukte jeg grønnkål, stangselleri, sitron, agurk og eple.


Ca. 4 blad grønnkål

1/2 agurk

1 eple

1/4 sitron(husk å fjerne skallet)

3 stilker stangselleri

Dessverre hadde jeg ikke ingefær, for det er bærre lekkert å ha i .

Ha en fortsatt fin dag!

hilsen kona.


Hadde ikke i klementiner, dem var bare fin pynt.. kunne selvfølgelig hatt dem i også.. neste gang.

Happy weekend and Happy B-day Jone


Our youngest Son celebrates his 11th birthday to day. His actual birthday was the 17’th , that day we had our closest family over and we had vegan taco’s. The birthday boy got to choose:) Today he has invited some friends over to watch a movie (The lone ranger)

and enjoy some candy and baked goodness.


It’s a vegan birthday.. Not that I think anyone will notice.


He didn’t want a cake, just candy, pizza rolls and buns.

IMG_1018 IMG_1038

He help decorate the buns

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Because it’s not all about kale and carrots.

To day we celebrate !!


You can find candy in the grocery store, you just have to become a master in reading labels.

Enjoy your weekend!

Saturday late breakfast sandwich.


This delicious “grilled” type sandwiches,  is a returning favorite on my breakfast/ lunch table. Easy, delicious an fairly healthy.

the sandwich on the picture above has Hoummous/hummus, onion, tomatoes, olives, avocado, mixed herbs and nutritional yeast between the sliced bread. Use whatever bread you like, but I like a bit of fiber in mine:)

Other things I usually put in this sandwich is: fresh spinach, grilled mushrooms, leek, guacamole, zucchini, pickles etc. whatever you like or have at hand.


If you are one of those so lucky to have a sandwich maker/ paninimaker, the next step is easy. I don´t, so I do it the McGyver way;)

two frying pans and one spice mortar.


grill on medium heat for about 5-6 minutes on each side and you´re done!!



Whole wheat Foccacia


Made this Foccacia for Sunday breakfast today. Takes no effort to make, and goes well with almost everything.


1 liter whole wheat flour
1 packet of dry yeast
1 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of sugar (I use coconutsugar)
2 tbls of olive oil
5 dl lukewarm water

Mix all ingredients together and work it to a loose, even Dough. Leave to rise for 30 – 40 minutes.

Take Your deep baking tray or similar and cover with olive oil. Sprinkle with salt and/ or herbs of Your choice. One The one above I used thyme, garlic, oregano and basil.
Place the dough in the tray and distribute it evenly so You get The same height on Your dough. Spinkle the top of the dough with sea salt, a little oil and herbs. Leave to rise for 10-20 minutes. If you like, you can put things like olives and sundried tomatoes in the dough for extra luxury:).

When the dough has risen to Your liking, put it in the oven on the lowest point. Bake for 25 minutes at a 180 degrees celsius. This may vary from oven to oven, so keep an eye on Your bread.
Good luck. \m/





Thought this was appropriate as a first post. captions two things that are important to me.. you guessed it metal music and veganism! Yes, believe it or not these two things can go hand in hand.